Discover Their Journey


Lyndsey's Story

In December 2022 I had a leg realignment, due to osteoarthritis I was told I would essentially need to learn to walk again.


Victoria has been amazing from the very beginning until present, she helped me with my rehabilitation with strengthening the muscles getting me back to walking normally without a limp. 


She has supported me and my rehabilitation throughout the past 15 months and continues now to help me as I had the metal work removed in Feb 2024, and we are continuing to strengthen the muscles in and around the knee joint, thigh, and lower leg.


I will always have osteoarthritis, but with the help of Victoria and the rehabilitation plan she has provided I really have seen a massive change. I couldn’t be more grateful to her. 


She is understanding, caring and knowledgeable. She has helped me so much and I will continue my sessions with her.

"Vicki has been exceptional. She has supported me both physically and mentally, and has encouraged me continuously throughout the recovery. Being able to achieve each of my goals and over come the hurdles. Thank you so much for your help with getting me where I am today."

Psoriatic Arthritis 

Michael's Story

Victoria has been treating me for Psoriatic Arthritis for the past six months. She is an excellent professional who has helped me ease my painful symptoms and improve my mobility and quality of life.


I have been using a walking stick for four years get around and to attend hospital appointments which my wife drives me to, but I am still quite unstable on my feet and need the help of my wife to walk I lean on her.


She has designed a personalised treatment plan for me that includes exercises, massage, heat therapy and education, helping to build my muscles up she has also devised a gentle exercise programme for me nothing strenuous. She has also taught me how to prevent further damage and cope with flare-ups.


I had an appointment at the hospital on the 7th May 2023 for a blood test, after parking the car and while walking into the hospital my wife noticed that I was not leaning on her and was walking more upright and not stooping downward which is what I normally do, this was the first time in four years.


"Vicki is not only skilled and knowledgeable, but also compassionate and caring. She always listens to my concerns and provides me with support and encouragement. She has a positive attitude and a great sense of humour that make every session enjoyable."

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