Frequently Asked Questions

Does massage therapy hurt?

During deeper therapies, it is common to experience some discomfort or pain as we work to address and alleviate the underlying issues causing your symptoms. Communication is key, to address your pain levels and adjust accordingly, ensuring you are getting the most effective treatment possible.

Will I feel better straight after?

While the goal is to improve your overall function and reduce pain, there may be moments where the techniques used can cause temporary discomfort.

Is Sports Massage right for me?

My aims of massage are to help you understand what your body is telling you, use techniques to ease these and create a positive outcome.

What if I don't play a sport?

That's ok. 

Whether your muscles are tight after walking the dog,  shoulders ache after sitting at your laptop all day, or you might be suffering from a tension headache, sports massage can benefit you. All these conditions can affect our mood and energy levels and there are many treatment techniques that will help.

How can massage help me?

Sports Massage has benefits for all walks of life. It focuses on reducing muscle tension and helps relieve tight muscles. If you feel you have limited flexibility, sciatica pain or headaches, sports massage can help improve these.

Are there side effects?

You may experience tenderness or stiffness for one to two days after a therapy session before you feel the full benefits.

What to do after a Sports Massage?

Drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and

stretch to maintain flexibility. It's good to keep moving, but avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or intense workouts for at least 24 hours.

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